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Kelly Cheek
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I think about stuff that doesn't make it into my novels. Sometimes that stuff has to do with my novels, or writing in general. Other times it may have to do with current events, the state of the world, or just random stuff.

Here's where you can find some of that stuff.

One of these things is not like the others

Bye-bye Miss American Pie

There'll be peace of mind when we live in a world of our own

Til then, I walk alone

You’re my soul and my heart’s inspiration

Then you really might know what it's like

Staring blindly into space

Guess I got what I deserved

The spheres are in commotion

She prayed that we'd fall from the sky simply to alleviate the pain

So you think you're lonely. Well, my friend, I'm lonely too.

Sounds so sweet with the sun sinkin' low

It's My Life

I'm the Pied Piper, follow me

As far as my eyes can see there are shadows surrounding me

Around the World

Doctor, Doctor, gimme the news

I Melt With You

In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning

If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know

When a Man Loves a Woman

Free Man in Paris

It's the End of the World As We Know It

Who Are You?

I'm Standin' On Shaky Ground


The Carols

Why Bother?

Toxic Masculinity

Industrial-Strength Cleanser Needed

Frankenstein 2017

On Being Nice

Grief, Depression and Other Fun Stuff

Stop Telling Me to Get Over It!

I do not think that word means what you think it means

Me and My Great Ideas

The March of the Lemmings

Future Crock

Comfortably Dumb

The Selfishness of Depression

It's Just a Structure

Poke Me!